35: Our only hope, Goldwater
On March 6, 1964, a splintering of Pawley’s clout in the Florida Republican Party was revealed. Pawley’s favored candidate, conservative Barry Goldwater--whom Pawley believed was "our only hope" for the nation-- “expressed himself as not being ‘overly concerned’ with the Florida intra-party struggle. Nevertheless, there is bad blood in Florida Republican ranks, and it could hurt Barry,” reported the Muscatine Journal.
Clifton White and Richard Kleindienst were sent by Goldwater to Tampa to smooth things over. “When Barry Goldwater landed in Palm Beach, he was handed a memo from, a close adherent of Basil LaVergne, head of the Draft Goldwater movement in Florida. The memo was a petition for Barry Goldwater to step in and appoint somebody with the authority to force both Brown and Cramer into line. William D. Pawley, “one of the most respected Florida Republicans” was mentioned as one possibility: Victor Hruska, vice president of the Prudential Insurance Company of Jacksonville, was another.
It was a sticky situation for Goldwater because Pawley and Hruska had already been approved by Brown, “and Goldwater could hardly undercut Grenier, his southern regional director, without causing bad blood in Alabama and Mississippi.”
The Florida conservatives believed that LBJ would lose because “Lyndon Johnson hurt himself on his appearance in Florida last week when he skipped over the dubious constitutionality of some features of the civil rights bill.”1
On March 25, 1964, the FBI reported on its interrogation of Dr. Fernando Penabaz Coburn, a Duke graduate who became a Cuban lawyer before fleeing to Miami in 1960 and becoming a newspaper writer and anti-Castro propagandist at JMWAVE. Like others in Miami’s anti-Castro milieu, Penabaz claimed Oswald had connections to Castro.
While attending “the Third Annual National Anti-Communist Leadership School, sponsored by the Christian Crusade,” Penabaz met with its founder, evangelical
Reverend Billie James Hargis who spread his message on hundreds of radio and TV stations
across America. “Dr. Penabaz stated that during the period of his visit at Shreveport, [February
1964] he recalled having a visit in the room of the Reverend Hargis, at which General Edwin
Walker was present.” Regarding the topic of the JFK assassination, “Dr. Penabaz stated he
probably did say that one could argue in favor of the thesis that Castro may have had reasons to
eliminate President Kennedy,” because “President Kennedy wanted him deposed as the leader in
Cuba.” In fact, in September 1963, “Castro virtually threatened President Kennedy by a
statement to the effect that leaders threatening him (Castro) better be careful, because they, too,
could suffer accidents.” Penabaz even claimed there was a cartoon in a Cuban newspaper
showing Castro laughing over a dead Kennedy shortly before the assassination—but the FBI
found no copy of it.
Penabaz told his FBI interrogator he was unaware of the article in William F. Buckley’s National Review that asserted a reporter at The New York Times “had obtained from a very good source the story of Oswald’s trip to Mexico and subsequent return to the United States with the sum of $10,000, but that the Times “mysteriously withheld the story.” Months earlier, Clare Boothe Luce had used her good friend Buckley’s National Review to denounce Kennedy.2
“With respect to information that Oswald, on return from his alleged trip to Cuba, was accompanied by Quintin Pino [Machado], who was to take Oswald to Cuba after the assassination, Dr. Penabaz stated he had not made such a statement to anyone as being fact. He stated that he had heard [from Miguel de Leon] of an alleged plot wherein Quintin Pino had crossed into Texas from Mexico for the purpose of rescuing Oswald.” Miguel “de Leon stated he had learned this while visiting the home of Cuban engineer Sixto Mesa about a week after the assassination” but could not recall who said it. Mesa “stated it was Dr. [Adolfo] Vilasuso who had related the story.” Yet, Dr. Vilasuso stated he possessed no authentic information.
Dr. Penabaz denied to the FBI that he claimed “Oswald had been shot by Jack Ruby for failing to follow the escape plan after the assassination” but “may have said that such a possibility existed.”3 During a television interview on December 5, 1963, Penabaz had also claimed Jack Ruby was a communist.4 Coincidentally, Penabaz knew the DRE’s Carlos Bringuier whose interactions with Oswald on the streets of New Orleans helped paint him as a communist.5
Ruby himself claimed he had been overcome by emotion thinking about the grief experienced by JFK’s wife, Jackie, little Caroline and brother Bobby Kennedy. He reportedly would get in a rage if someone bad-mouthed JFK. A Chicago bookmaker told me in 1968 that mobsters would rile up guys similar to Jack Ruby and Sirhan Sirhan to get them to act on their impulses.6 But perhaps Ruby saw an opportunity to repay “’Uncle Sam’ a big piece of money” and someone was willing to reward him for his impromptu, perfectly timed act in clear view of Dallas police.7
Another individual linked to the DRE and Oswald rumors was future-Watergate-burglar Frank Sturgis. Leaving the Cuban Air Force, he became a highly visible member of the Cuban exile community and leader of the Anti-Communist International Brigade (ACIB). Sturgis perfectly fit the lyric from Kris Kristofferson’s song “The Pilgrim, Chapter 33”—“a walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction”—with some two dozen aliases in addition to his name Frank Fiorini.
A true soldier of fortune, Fiorini made his own bombs at home as well as wrote pamphlets full of fabricated anti-Castro propaganda that he fed to radio, TV and newspaper reporters in the hopes of reaching individuals with deep pockets who could support his next anti- Castro raid by sea or air. His true friends were other airmen such as Pedro Diaz Lanz (cryptonym QDBIAS) who left the Cuban Air Force in the spring of 1959 as communism gained a foothold and fled to America.
Pedro’s brother Marcos Diaz Lanz (cryptonym QDCHAR) escaped in the summer with the help of two CIA assets known only as QDARBOR and QDALUM. Upon arrival in the United States, Marcos wanted to know the whereabouts of Pedro and Frank Fiorini whom he believed was paying the mortgage on the house they had bought.8
In February 1960, Pedro Diaz Lanz told the CIA’s Patrick Karnley (a pseudonym) his concerns about the disparate opinions within the exile community over how to dethrone Castro and what to do once he was gone. Some wanted elections, some wanted to rid Cuba of the communists through executions and others wanted to take the purging opportunity to also eliminate old political foes and to support some cronies who were known to be thugs and crooks.
At a hastily called meeting at the home of Ricardo de la Lorie (aka Lorie-Bals aka Lorie Valls; cryptonym QDCOVE), Marcos Diaz Lanz “was met by QDCOVE with a two-foot length of heavy chain” which was used on Marcus “in a serious effort to work him over.” QDCOVE was thwarted by Pedro Diaz Lanz and Renaldo Blanco, who became so distressed by the incident, he went back to Cuba and was re-arrested. Even the Diaz Lanz brothers began not seeing eye-to-eye on Cuba, and soon Pedro was more strongly aligned with Frank Fiorini.9
In October 1962, soldier-of-fortune and propagandist extraordinaire Fiorini told Mario Garcia Kohly, Sr. of Arlington, Virginia that he would arrange interviews to promote Kohly’s movement “with Jack Cumings of ‘Newsweek’ and Jack Anderson, a Baltimore, Maryland newsman.” Of course, “Fiorini, in return, expected Kohly to contribute funds to Fiorini for arms and ammunition.” Fiorini also hoped that one of Kohly’s friends, “Nat Bishop of Larchmont, NY” would buy a fast boat for Fiorini “to be used in raids against Cuba.”10
An FBI compilation of information on Fiorini included “a news article by James Buchanan in the 11/26/63 issue of the Pompano Beach, Florida ‘Sun-Sentinel’ that referred to Fiorini of the ACIB as Buchanan’s source relative to the activities of [Lee Harvey] Oswald in Miami and his alleged contact with the Cuban G-2. Another article in the 12/4/63 issue of the ‘Sun-Sentinel’ quoted Fiorini and charged that the FBI prevented the DRE at Miami from circulating a bulletin regarding Oswald’s alleged visit to Miami. During interviews in Miami, Fiorini refuted the statements attributed to him in the articles, said he believed the 12/4/63 article was written by his friend, Buchanan, and said he had no evidence that Oswald ever was in Miami. Interviews with DRE members and officials set out, indicating that Fiorini associated with various members of that organization. Background data developed indicated that Fiorini had been involved in Cuban revolutionary activities since 1958, was original founder of ACIB, and had been at odds with Buchanan in about December, 1963 for Buchanan’s alleged attacks on the FBI, CIA and former President Kennedy. Government agencies in Miami and established Bureau informants considered both Buchanan and Fiorini an unreliable. During an interview on 4/28/1964, Buchanan referred to distribution of the monthly bulletin of the ACIB, to financial support of it by the John Birch Society, and said it generally contained a lead article by Frank Fiorini, head of ACIB;” the FBI noted.11
The duplicity of Fiorini was matched by someone who contacted him in May 1963 claiming to be a son of Claire Chennault. He offered his Air Force experience to support the Cuban exiles in Miami. Over the course of several phone calls, Fiorini said he should back Artime’s followers, and in return, the caller suggested Fiorini should pursue funding from the Chinese community in Washington, DC. It was determined in December that “Chennault’s” real name was Arthur Chen, who had been discharged from the US Army “as a paranoid schizophrenic” in 1954.12
Four years later, a December 1968 CIA document based on an AMOT report outlined Fernando Penabaz Coburn’s background. It stated he “attended Duke University at the same time as President elect Richard Nixon and is a good friend of Nixon.” The document also had another important piece of information that Penabaz failed to mention to the FBI—he had been working with JMWAVE in “psych warfare section until late 1963 when he was dropped because of involvement in U.S. politics.” According to the August 24, 1964 Miami Herald, Penabaz “had been appointed advisor to Republican National Committee on Cuban Affairs.”
AMOT was the group of Cuban exiles initially trained by the CIA’s David Morales to
identify potential pro-Castro agents in Miami in 1960-61. The group stated in a 1966 report that
“Penabaz was member of the Christian Anti-Communist Crusade (CACC), a rightist group
organized along lines of John Birch Society, and until at least 1965 was on payroll of CACC as
Director for Latin American Affairs.” Penabaz “an associate of General Edwin Walker was
arranging a meeting between General Walker and [Dominican Republic] General Elias Wessin y
Wessin.”13 (Walker's survival of an "attempted shooting" helped paint Oswald as the assassin of JFK instead of painting him as a poor shot.)
In late April 1965, the United States Marines landed in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic to prevent Juan Bosch from rising to power again. Decades earlier, Bosch had been a Cuban-based leader in exile of the Dominican Revolutionary Party (PRD) opposed to Pawley’s friend, Trujillo, for a quarter century. While in Cuba, Bosch wrote a speech for President Carlos Prío Socarrás that was so well received that General Batista jailed Bosch after overthrowing Prío. This did not dissuade Bosch from politics, however. In fact, Bosch let Trujillo know that Castro’s overthrow of Batista was a sign that Trujillo’s days as a dictator were numbered. When Trujillo was assassinated on May 30, 1961, Bosch returned from exile to his country and was elected president of the Dominican Republic in 1962.
After introducing a new constitution, Bosch was overthrown in September 1963 by Colonel Elias Wessin. Bosch went back into exile, this time in Puerto Rico. By 1965, the Dominicans hungered for his return and a civil war broke out. That’s when President Lyndon Johnson launched Operation Powerpack to put down the communist” insurrection and “protect the privileges which Trujillo had previously granted to Wm. Pawley” and others with financial interests in the country, according to economist Mason Gaffney.14
The Post-Standard of May 9, 1965 detailed some of the wealthy links that had been cultivated during Trujillo’s reign. One was a former Texas oil attorney by the name of Henry Holland. The newspaper wrote that “Assistant Secretary of State Henry Holland, Republican, became Trujillo’s sugar lobbyist. Sen. George Smathers of Florida represented through his law firm, the Dominican Steamship Lines. Ex-Ambassador Bill Pawley of Miami was associated with Trujillo in various business ventures.”15
The Nevada State Journal had previously reported “Holland scarcely got out of the State Department when he headed for the Dominican Republic” and “got on the payroll of Trujillo's mining consultant, William Pawley.” Holland received “his fees directly from Pawley, therefore doesn't have to register [as a foreign lobbyist].” The newspaper compared it to President Franklin Roosevelt’s son who “got his fees through Charles Patrick Clark, lobbyist for both Franco and Trujillo.”16
In the fall of 1965, General Wessin “made a tape recording which denounces Ambassador Ellsworth Bunker and the United States policy in the Dominican Republic. The recording also compares the policy of the United States in the Dominican Republic to its policy in Indonesia, stating that Wessin believes that in the end such policies will allow the communists to assume power.”
Pedro “and his brother Marcos Diaz Lanz were observed at the home of General Wessin” during his absence and “Pedro Luis Diaz Lanz was carrying a briefcase and under his arm he held a reel of tape recorder tape.”17 Diaz Lanz had previously been “observed in contact with General Wessin, along with Frank Fiorini.” According to MM T-3, a Cuban exile who is “personally acquainted” with both men stated they “have become professional opportunists” united in attempting “to enrich themselves by associating with anti-Castro and anti-communist elements.”18
The John Birch Society also was involved in anti-communist, anti-Castro activities. In March 1963, an informant said that an associate of “adventurer, mercenary and soldier of fortune” Gerry Patrick Hemming named Lorenzo Hall (aka Loran Eugene Hall) “was involved in some plan to try to overthrow the government of Haiti.” The informant “stated Hall is disagreeable, is not liked by the other mercenaries in Miami, is of low moral character and appears to have a criminal background.” Later he said Hall uses his “Cuban revolutionary activities ... as a gimmick to try and obtain money donations. In Miami, he is loosely associated with Gerald Patrick Hemming, ‘Mexican’ Larry Howard and William Houston Seymour, all unemployed adventurers.” A common “practice is to contact local chapters of the John Birch Society, claiming they are anti-Communist freedom fighters, and ask for money to carry on their work.” But “use the money for living expenses.” In October 1963, they were in Dallas “trying to collect money donations under the guise.” Oil industry geologist Lester Logue, who had funded mercenaries in the past, was among those they contacted. As of December 9, 1963, Hall had not returned to Miami. Previously, on July 4, 1963, Hemming had been in Dallas to confer with “well-known segregationist” General Edwin Walker who did not want to get involved “in Cuban affairs ... but rather, be readily available to fight Communism all over the United States.”19 Hemming was planning to support an effort by Carlos Prio Socarras.20
In 1967, two Cuban exiles “met with one Raymond Molina, South Florida regional coordinator of the John Birch Society, to discuss support for an operation against Fidel Castro. Molina said he would consider this plan and also a plan for operation against Haiti” and indicated the John Birch “Society might finance those operations.” But the report then revealed a lack of follow up to the unauthorized attacks because “Penabaz and Molina are U.S. citizens and involved in U.S. politics, [so] station did not query AMOT. Defer to HQs for guidance on how much, if any, of above traces may be discussed with EMWISE-7.”21 (This cryptonym had not been deciphered as of April 2023, but the EM digraph signifies it relates to Dominican Republic activities.)
When Raymond Molina decades later ran for Congress, his website stated he “was a member of the 2506 Assault Brigade’s Fifth Battalion and a veteran of the Bay of Pigs Invasion. Molina is one of the original co-founders of the Miami-Dade County Republican Party, together with Fernando Peñabas, Bob Rosasco, along with Paul and Alice O’Neil.” His “political experience is vast, having run the campaigns for Senator Barry Goldwater and the presidential campaign for William Miller. He also brought back then candidate Richard Nixon to launch his presidential campaign at the Miami-Dade County Auditorium. Working together with former Secretary of Defense Melvin Laird, they assisted in preventing the Cuban invasion of Haiti by re- establishing U.S. relations and providing military aid to Haiti.”
Molina also was on Ronald Reagan’s Finance Committee along with William Casey who became Reagan’s CIA Director and worked with Casey and Col. Oliver North overthrow the socialist Sandinistas in Nicaragua. Molina got less than 11% of the vote in the 2020 primary.22
As early as February 13, 1962, Penabaz was listed as Secretary of Public Relations for Dr. Antonio de Varona Loredo’s Democratic Revolutionary Redemption (RDR) which was supported financially by the CIA-funded Cuban Revolutionary Council.23 Among the propagandists at CRC24 (cryptonym AMBUD) were David Atlee Philips25 and E. Howard Hunt who became a good friend of Dr. de Varona. Prior to fleeing Cuba to the United States, de Varona was a former Cuban Prime Minister and former President of the Cuban Senate politically aligned with ex-Cuban President Carlos Prío Socarrás. By 1964, the CRC had lost its credibility as the result of an invasion hoax, a top executive Maceo resigned, and de Varona left Miami to seek employment in New York.26
In March 1963, the CIA’s Miami Station noted that “Fernando Penabaz-Coburn 201- 2623168”—a “UR [Unidad Revolucionario] Consultant and well known specialist on farm problems”—had broadcast the first of his daily 15-minute series “‘Orientacion Agraria.’” UR was the only exile group to beam propaganda “exclusively to ‘campesinos’ who comprise large and important segment Cuban population.”27
A CIA compilation of operations against Cuba offers these insights into UR. “Its leadership [in Cuba] was largely put to death or imprisoned as a result of the Bay of Pigs. The organization was reestablished in Miami in August 1962 with CIA support. A paramilitary arm was established in April 1963, but no effective paramilitary action was ever carried out. Starting in March 1963, UR sponsored a daily radio program over WMIE targeted at Cuban farmers ... In July 1963, UR initiated a shortwave broadcast from station WRUL, New York. The UR utilized nonobjective, lurid propaganda themes. During 1963-64, 1,442,500 items were mailed to Cuba and other Latin American countries ... Throughout its history, the UR was wracked with internal bickerings and power grabs which detracted from its impact.”28
Another member of the JMWAVE psychological warfare section was George Joannides, the DRE case officer. From April 1, 1963 to March 31, 1964, Joannides oversaw the CIA Miami “station’s covert action branch” and was involved in “production of radio programs” like Penabaz’s as well as print propaganda “and the development of political action programs.”
Joannides $2.4 million budget spanned “printed propaganda, white and black radio program, and on political action operations which were implemented via labor, student and professional groups.”29
Soon thereafter, Joannides moved on. “There was a change of personnel in the AMSPELL (DRE) project in the middle of April. AMHINT-2 (Juan Manuel Salvat Roque) took over as Chief of AMSPELL, replacing AMHINT-53 (Luis Fernandez-Rocha) who resigned to continue his studies, and Keith T. Bongirno replaced Walter D. Newby (George Joannides) as case officer. (The new AMSPELL T/O is enclosed under separate cover, Attachment A). Bruce P. Vedder also sees AMHINT-2 once or twice a month but the detailed direction of the project is in Bongirno's hands." Joannides and Vedder served as JMWAVE’s Chief of Psychological Warfare (PW).30
Psychological warrior Penabaz was part of a GOP policy forum in April 1964 “led by nine prominent Republicans”—including William Pawley—which attracted nearly 800 people to the Hotel duPont Plaza in Miami. They “called for a U.S.-backed Cuban government in exile Wednesday and heard an exile report that Soviet intermediate range missiles with atomic warheads are installed on the ocean floor north of Havana.” According to Penabaz, multiple sources had confirmed, the presence of “the ‘deadly Golem II atomic missiles’” including “‘friendly diplomatic sources in Havana, people living in the missile area and underground sources.’” Attendees also were told this horrific threat was launchable by Russian submarine or trawler and could not only annihilate them in Miami but even as far away as Washington, DC. Similar unproven threats involving yellow cake were used nearly four decades later to entangle the U.S. in a war with Iraq.
The scary missile propaganda, which never was proven true, was gilded with distinguished panelists. In addition to Pawley and Penabaz (whose credentials now included being a columnist for the Fort Lauderdale News), the group included former Ambassador to Havana Earl E.T. Smith, Sen. Thurston Morton, R-Ky., and Rep. William Cramer, R-Fla, who knocked “the Johnson administration's carry-over of the late President Kennedy's restrictions on anti-Castro raids by both exiles and American citizens.”
Other prominent members of the panel included Puerto Rican Statehood Republican party head Luis Ferre whose nephew became a future Mayor of Miami; Joseph Farland who served as ambassador to multiple countries and seven years later smoothed the way for Secretary of State Henry Kissinger to open talks with Red China; Philip Ray, Ike’s former Undersecretary of Commerce and author of South Wind Red about communism in the Western Hemisphere; Ike’s ex-White House aide Robert Merriam who authored a Dark December: The Full Account of the Battle of the Bulge; and Miami attorney and one-time political candidate “Leland Hyzer, chairman of the Florida organization committee for the forum.”31
On April Fools’ Day 1964, a military coup deposed leftwing President Joāo Goulart in Brazil where Pawley had once been Ambassador. Then current Ambassador Lincoln Gordon and the CIA both denied any involvement even though he supported the opposition that took power.32
In the Spring of 1964, Pawley was approved for covert utilization “by the Western Hemisphere Division/ Special Activities33 as “JMWAVE Station special contact in the Miami business community.” The business community as previously mentioned was in attendance when the Pawley-Penabaz panel falsely told the audience about the deadly nuclear missiles that could easily destroy Miami.
Among other points in Pawley’s updated covert job description was the fact that “Covert Security Approvals are not to represent themselves as, nor are they to be represented as, employees of CIA.” Also “approval becomes invalid in the event the Subject’s services are not utilized within six months of the date of this memorandum.”34
On May 22, 1964, the FBI interviewed Cuban exile, Raul Castro Baile, who had defected from Cuba while in Mexico with a fellow aviation cadet, Juan Francisco Quintana Maya. They moved from Miami to Dallas in March of 1962, and the following year attended a meeting at which John Martino was the keynote speaker. The FBI learned that Raul Castro Baile and Juan Francisco Quintana Maya “joined the Cuban exile organization known as Second Front of Escambray and Operation Alpha 66 (SNFE)” to “overthrow of the Castro Government in Cuba.” Raul Castro Baile “is an officer in the Dallas unit of this organization, his office being that of Director of Military Affairs.” who attends meetings “at the home of a member of the Board of Directors of the Dallas unit of SNFE, one Jorge Salazar.” Recently, a visit by Antonio Veciana, a national officer of SNFE in Miami, had rekindled the interest among the Dallas members of SNFE” which counted “between 80 and 90 members.”
Raul Castro Baile told the FBI that he attended a meeting “in Highland Park, Texas, City Hall in about August or September 1963, sponsored by the John Birch Society in Dallas. The principal speaker at this meeting was John Martino, author of the book, ‘I Was Castro’s Prisoner.’” Martino was “introduced at this meeting by Joaquin Insua, another Cuban exile in Dallas who is director of the Catholic Cuban Refugee Service at Dallas.”
Raul Castro Baile “does not remember that a sticker with the legend ‘Kan the Kennedy Klan’ had been placed on his Rambler automobile by his friend Quintana. He said he can recall that either he or Quintana placed a sticker on this automobile which sticker said ‘Help Fight the Reds’ and was an SNFE sticker.”
The Cuban exile further expressed “that he had nothing personal against President Kennedy but thought that the Kennedy Administration’s foreign policy as concerned Cuba had been bad because the invasion of Cuba in April, 1961, had failed because of lack of air cover to support the invasion which had been pulled off by the American Government.” Both he and “Quitana had been working at their jobs as roofers [employed by Kenneth K. Jenkins] on the day of the Kennedy parade in Dallas which was the day that President Kennedy was assassinated.” He said he did not condone such action and noted that a month before the assassination SNFE Dallas members had “peacefully picketed the municipal auditorium at Dallas on the occasion of the speech of Adlai Stevenson ... because some public accounts named Stevenson as one of the persons responsible for the withdrawal of the intended air support.”35 Pawley, as we have seen, believed JFK was the culprit.
Following the Florida Primary vote in May 1964, a Republican-delegate brouhaha erupted when Goldwater favored a slate of electors “headed by U.S. Rep. William Cramer of St. Petersburg” over one “headed by Tom Fairfield Brown, state GOP chairman, and millionaire William Pawley of Miami” which “was converted to unpledged under Florida law when Goldwater gave the nod to Cramer's group.” An angry Brown charged “that Goldwater broke a commitment with the state organization and that Cramer was making a grab for control of the party machinery.”36 It indeed seemed illogical that Pawley, who embraced the concept of “ruthless” U.S., would not be the preferred choice of Goldwater, who proclaimed in his convention acceptance speech that “extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice!”37
The Morning Great Bend Daily Tribune reported about Pennsylvania Governor Scranton’s arrival at the Republican National Convention in Miami—Pawley’s hometown. “Conspicuously absent among the Florida GOP greeters was former Ambassador William Pawley, chief organizer and honorary chairman of the unpledged slate that won 32 seats in the May 26 primary. Pawley, pledged to Goldwater, sent word his appearance at the Scranton festivities might be misinterpreted.”38
In July, a march on Washington was planned by Cuban exile leaders to put heat on President Johnson and Congress to take action against Castro. One of the leaders was John Martino, the Pawley TILT participant who had spoken at the John Birch Society event in Dallas and now listed as a credential being “active in the Batista White Rose organization”; and Tomas Matos, an executive of the Federacion Estudiantil Universitario (FEU).39 Based in New York, White Rose (La Rosa Blanca) was one of the first six anti-Castro groups and counted among its members Rafael Diaz Balart, its Secretary General.40 (In 1959, ADC, CCC, MAOC, and MGA were in Miami; OCANY and White Rose were in New York.)
In August of 1964, a student from India arrived in the United States and his presence brought the spotlight on the fruits of Pawley’s pioneering outsourcing to India two decades earlier. “Hindustan Aircraft. Ltd., which was started at Bangalore, India in the 1940s by William Pawley, an American, now produces supersonic jets.”41
That same month, a response to a request for information on Pawley arrived on a desk at the CIA. It contains information about his cryptographic clearance from his Doolittle Committee days and probably was triggered by the publication of a book.42 Written by David Wise and Thomas Ross, The Invisible Government dealt with the CIA’s history up to the Bay of Pigs and mentions Pawley’s name.† The memo noted that “QDDALE contacted Reuteman by telephone in order to brief Reuteman on” a number of topics.
“QDDALE stated that he had not heard from the Readers Digest relative to the KUBARK-inspired article on The Invisible Government which QDDALE forwarded to Readers Digest. Reuteman asked QDDALE to send Readers Digest a follow-up tickler. QDDALE agreed to carry out this action and stated that he would keep Reuteman informed of any further developments.”
Moving on to “Operation TILT. QDDALE stated that he had recently been contacted by Polo Meranda, who is a friend of AMRUM-1’s and was the former Interventor of the Havana Bus Company. Meranda brought one Roberto Pujol Fernandez, who is employed in the legal department of Bacardi International, to QDDALE’s office.” In their discussion “Meranda asked if QDDALE knew anything about the individuals who participated in Operation TILT. QDDALE admits that he made an indiscretion in the discussion with Meranda by stating that he knew one or two of the participants in Operation TILT and had contributed funds toward the implementation of Operation TILT. Once QDDALE made this admission, Meranda stated that Pujol was the uncle of one of the wives of the men who had departed on Operation TILT but had never returned. Pujol then took the lead in the conversation and asked if QDDALE had fronted for this operation for KUBARK or some other ODYOKE entity. Pujol made it clear that if QDDALE had fronted for such an operation, Pujol was going to advise his niece to ask for material support from ODYOKE or QDDALE because this operation had deprived his niece of the income-earning power of her husband. QDDALE states that he became furious at this juncture and told Meranda and Pujol in no uncertain terms that he had not fronted for KUBARK or any other ODYOKE entity.”
Further, “QDDALE also claimed that he told Pujol that QDDALE was in the habit of contributing funds to various Cubans who were interested in liberating their country. These financial contributions were made to individuals who claimed to be leaders of small groups. QDDALE made the point that when he gave funds to a Cuban leader he in no way assumed any obligation for that Cuban leader’s actions or personnel. QDDALE contends that he also told Pujol that Pujol might better address himself to the problem of contributing to the liberation of Cuba rather than trying to coerce funds out of Americans who were working toward the liberation of Cuba by making financial contributions to Cuban leaders. Allegedly, Pujol and Meranda were chagrined and chastised by QDDALE’s outburst and, once the outburst was over, they quietly excused themselves and left QDDALE’s office.”
Pawley then apologized to Reuteman saying “that he hoped that this was the end of the matter, and in retrospect he regretted that he had indicated to Meranda that he contributed funds to the leader of the Operation TILT team. Reuteman asked QDDALE to keep him informed if there were any further developments on this topic, and at the same time emphasized the point that under any and all circumstances KUBARK’s [CIA’s] involvement in Operation TILT could not be exposed. QDDALE indicated that he understood this point explicitly.” This statement verifies that the operation that would have embarrassed the Kennedy Administration had backing of some leadership in the CIA.
Pawley then addressed a banking document. “QDDALE was asked if he had any banking contacts through which we might be able to obtain, on a loan basis, an original of a letter which had been sent to Free World banking institutions by the Cuban National Bank and which identified those individuals in Cuba who were authorized to sign letters of credit and other negotiable paper. QDDALE stated that he did have several contacts, but he thought his most productive contact would be in the Bank of Nova Scotia. QDDALE was asked to make appropriate inquiries with his Bank of Nova Scotia contacts in an attempt to obtain the letter in question. QDDALE was reminded that it was absolutely essential that KUBARK not be identified as the motivating force behind this inquiry. QDDALE agreed to handle this matter in a discreet manner.”43
On October 5, 1964, Pawley sent FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover a Western Union Telegram to express distress at the criticism of Senator Eastland’s Internal Security Committee and the Director himself.”44
And the Director responded with a personal, terse letter that was not signed by Hoover, but instead bore his stamp. “I have received your telegram of October 5th and certainly appreciate your complimentary remarks concerning my administration of the FBI.” Hoover found it “encouraging to receive messages such as yours at a time when unjust criticism is being leveled at both me and the FBI.” When Pawley’s telegram and the Director’s letter were filed by the FBI, a note stated it was believed to be from “the former prominent businessman in Miami and former Ambassador to Brazil and Peru; therefore, letter being directed as such.”45
On November 2, 1964, the FBI requested the declassification of four of at least 11 pages that JMWAVE had gathered about Oswald in the previous year for review by the Warren Commission investigation of JFK’s assassination.46
The following day, Pawley’s dream candidate, Barry Goldwater, lost the Presidential election to President Lyndon Baines Johnson. Without Goldwater to crush communism in Cuba as JFK had failed to do, Pawley pressed former President Eisenhower to encourage the new President to take action against Castro. On May 26, 1965, Ike responded in writing to Pawley who quoted him in his manuscript as stating “‘should I get the opportunity to talk to President (Johnson) I shall convey to him some of the apprehension you and I feel ... I see no flaw in your argument that we should not be ‘protecting’ Castro from exiled Cubans who want to regain their country for freedom.’”
Pawley “began to feel that time was running out for America.”47
In 1967, Luis V. Manrara’s book Betrayal Opened the Door to Russian Missiles in Red Cuba was published. It condemned William Wieland and liberals for losing Cuba citing the testimony before the Senate Internal Security Subcommittee of U.S. Ambassadors to Cuba Arthur Gardner and Earl E.T. Smith, Ambassador to Mexico Robert C. Hill, “and William D. Pawley, former ambassador to several Latin American countries, and recognized expert on Latin American affairs.” (It was not “several” just two, Peru and Brazil.) The back cover quoted Smith, “Without the United States, Castro would not be in power today.” And Hill laying blame on “Individuals in the State Department and The New York Times.”48
In October 1967, Pawley saw a small victory. Fidel and Raul Castro’s confidante, Ernesto “Che” Guevara, had been tracked down in Bolivia and executed. Cuban exile, Felix Rodriguez, who had become a CIA Special Activities operative had led the hunt.49 Helping in the hunt was former Bay of Pigs invader Gustavo Villoldo (cryptonym AMCHALK-1), whose father took his own life following the confiscation of his GM dealership by Castro and a harsh interrogation by Guevara in 1959. Fifty years later, in 2009, the family won a billion-dollar judgment in a civil suit against the Castro government.50
In the 1970s, Penabaz became involved in wooing votes from the Cuban exile community for President Gerald Ford. On March 16, 1976, the Ford White House announced that he was appointed “to the National Advisory Council on Economic Opportunity.”51
In 2009, Jefferson Morley pointed out in a Washington Independent article on the JFK files, “secretive government agencies retain the upper hand over the public and the Congress, even when it comes to records that are more than 30 years old ... I am the plaintiff in the lawsuit which seeks records of a deceased CIA officer named George Joannides.” The agent had been “the agency’s liaison to the House Select Committee on Assassinations in 1978” which was unaware that years earlier Joannides “served in Miami as the chief of the agency’s psychological warfare operations against Fidel Castro.”
Among Joannides various activities was the secret funding of the “anti-Castro student front group that generated propaganda about Lee Harvey Oswald’s pro-Castro activities.” As head of psychological warfare in Miami, there is a strong likelihood that he knew Dr. Fernando Penabaz, the Cuban exile in the same unit, who went on to lead a Republican forum with William Pawley in 1964.52 Penabaz died in 1992 in Miami.
1 “Florida Factions in Struggle to Win Control of State's GOP Organization.” By John Chamberlain. The Muscatine Journal, March 6, 1964.
On Feb. 18 the regular Republican State Chairman, Tom Brown, duly filed an almost complete slate of delegates, with William Pawley of Miami, one of the most respected of Florida Republicans, as the presumptive head of it. The Brown candidates, while not pledged to Barry to the last bitter end, all claim to be true Goldwater men. Since Goldwater is the only Republican who could possibly sweep the South, there is no reason to doubt their word. But U.S. Congressman William C. Cramer of the St. Petersburg area, acting with the blessing of Alabama's John Grenier, the regional director of the southern Goldwater movement, broke off from the “regulars” to file his own pledged Goldwater slate.
Bruce Lambert, “F. Clifton White, 74, Long a Republican Strategist,” The New York Times, January 10, 1993.
An ex-pilot who had flown 25 missions in World War II, Clifton White developed the draft “Goldwater for President” propaganda strategy that attracted 7,000 people to Washington, DC on the Fourth of July (including 43 busloads of supporters brought from New York by White) which helped clinch Goldwater’s candidacy. White then orchestrated Goldwater’s first ballot nomination at the San Francisco Cow Palace, which one historian described as “a coup d'etat.” However, it failed when Lyndon Johnson won by a landslide in November 1964. White later went to work for President’s Nixon, Ford and Reagan who appointed him chairman of Radio Marti, the broadcaster of anti-Castro programs to Cuba. He was also involved in campaigns for Jesse Helms of North Carolina and James L. Buckley of New York.
>> Richard Kleindienst became Attorney General of the United States under President Nixon and wound up resigning in the midst of the Watergate scandal after failing to report G. Gordon Liddy’s admission that the burglary originated in the White House.
2 “The Truth About Vietnam As Seen by Clare Booth [sic] Luce,” The News and Tribune (Jefferson City, Missouri) November 3, 1963. Pages 1 & 2.
Now, the American electorate is far from 100 per cent for President Kennedy. Indeed, he got just a fraction less than 50 per cent of the vote in 1960 and there were even rumors he didn't get that. Nor is the press entirely for him. In fact, a lot of it is against him—and quite a lot of Americans happen to agree with Madame Nhu, who thinks he is lulling the USA into a false sense of security about the Communists.
However, this is America and we don’t talk about “coups” and overthrowing elected governments. We believe in a democracy. You should wait for elections. But in Vietnam it’s different.
“Fast and Luce.” By Marie Brenner. Vanity Fair, May 28, 2014.
>> Good friend, William Buckley.
3 NARA 104-10001-10018 ~ 3/25/1964 “Info Re Cuban Conspiracy.” Pages 1-13.
3/28/1964 Transcript of “Report by Special Agents James J. O’Connor and Peter J. Nero on Interview of Fernando Penabaz March 16, 1964 File #105-3834.”
Dr. Penabaz stated he was invited to speak at the Third Annual National Anti-Communist Leadership School, sponsored by the Christian Crusade ... founder and director the Reverend Billie James Hargis.
Dr. Penabaz stated that during the period of his visit at Shreveport, [February 1964] he recalled having a visit in the room of the Reverend Hargis, at which General Edwin Walker was present ... a discussion developed over the circumstances surrounding the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.
... Dr. Penabaz stated he probably did say that one could argue in favor of the thesis that Castro may have had reasons to eliminate President Kennedy, since it was evident that Castro seemed to realize that President Kennedy wanted him deposed as the leader in Cuba ... in a speech by Castro made at the Brazilian Embassy in Havana about the beginning of September, 1963, which speech was reported in the American press, Castro virtually threatened President Kennedy by a statement to the effect that leaders threatening him (Castro) better be careful, because they, too, could suffer accidents. Dr. Penabaz stated significant with this remark by Castro was information, unconfirmed, but received by the Cuban exile colony, that about three weeks prior to the speech of Castro at the Brazilian Embassy, an attempt was made on Castro’s life, with the result that someone was, in fact, killed. Dr. Penabaz stated this may or may not be true.
... With respect to information that the “National Review”, a publication at New York City with which writer William Buckley is associated, had reported that a “New York Times” reporter had obtained from a very good source the story of Oswald’s trip to Mexico and subsequent return to the United States with the sum of $10,000, but that the “New York Times” mysteriously withheld the story, Dr. Penabaz stated as follows:
This was the first he had heard of this situation....
With respect to information that Oswald, on return from his alleged trip to Cuba, was accompanied by Quintin Pino [Machado], who was to take Oswald to Cuba after the assassination, Dr. Penabaz stated he had not made such a statement to anyone as being fact. He stated that he had heard of an alleged plot wherein Quintin Pino had crossed into Texas from Mexico for the purpose of rescuing Oswald ...
Dr. Penabaz stated he had heard this story concerning Pino from Miguel de Leon....
Dr. Penabaz stated he had made no such statement that Oswald had been shot by Jack Ruby for failing to follow the escape plan after the assassination. Dr. Penabaz stated he may have said that such a possibility existed ...
With respect to the alleged plan wherein Pino would assist Lee Harvey Oswald ... Mr. de Leon stated he had learned this while visiting the home of Cuban engineer Sixto Mesa about a week after the assassination, and he did not recall who ... had related the episode involving Quintin Pino Machado.
... [Mesa] stated it was Dr. [Adolfo] Vilasuso who had related the story.
... Dr. Vilasuso stated he possessed no authentic information.
4 FBI 105-82555 ~ “Oswald HQ File, Section 38.” The Mary Ferrell Foundation website: MaryFerrell.org. Pages 19-22 of 245.
5 FBI 105-82555 ~ “Oswald HQ File, Section 38.” The Mary Ferrell Foundation website. Pages 19-22 of 245.
NARA 104-10001-10018 ~ 4/10/1964 FBI “Re Cuban Conspiracy.”
>> The FBI 3/30/1964 Report on “Lee Harvey Oswald; Internal Security – R – Cuba” by James J, O’Connor was sent to CIA Deputy Director of Plans Richard Helms by FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover. The cover slip had a handwritten note: “Hunt”
6 Lionel Ives (original name Isaacs) at his home on SE 9th Street, Fort Lauderdale, Florida in a conversation after the assassination of Robert Kennedy.
7 NARA 180-10118-10069 ~ 3/16/1978 HSCA Briefing Books. “Subjects: de Varona, Antonio; Hall, Harry; Haler Harry.” The Mary Ferrell Foundation website. Page 49 of 118. DOCID-32267344
8 NARA 104-10167-10132 ~ “QDCHAR Escape.”
9 NARA 104-10260-10157 ~ Dispatch “Subject - Contact With QDBIAS 10 January 1960.”
10 NARA 124-10226-10290 ~ 5/13/1968 No Title. From: Director, FBI. The Mary Ferrell Foundation website. Page 26 of 44.
11 NARA 124-10226-10290 ~ No Title. From: Director, FBI. The Mary Ferrell Foundation website. Pages 36 & 37 of 44.
The following references in the file captioned “Lee Harvey Oswald” contain information on Frank Fiorini from approximately 1958 to 4/28/64, resulting from a news article by James Buchanan in the 11/26/63 issue of the Pompano Beach, Florida “Sun-Sentinel” that referred to Fiorini of the ACIB as Buchanan’s source relative to the activities of Oswald in Miami and his alleged contact with the Cuban G-2. Another article in the 12/4/63 issue of the “Sun-Sentinel” quoted Fiorini and charged that the FBI prevented the DRE at Miami from circulating a bulletin regarding Oswald’s alleged visit to Miami. During interviews in Miami, Fiorini refuted the statements attributed to him in the articles, said he believed the 12/4/63 article was written by his friend, Buchanan, and said he had no evidence that Oswald ever was in Miami. Interviews with DRE members and officials set out, indicating that Fiorini associated with various members of that organization. Background data developed indicated that Fiorini had been involved in Cuban revolutionary activities since 1958, was original founder of ACIB, and had been at odds with Buchanan in about December, 1963 for Buchanan’s alleged attacks on the FBI, CIA and former President Kennedy. Government agencies in Miami and established Bureau informants considered both Buchanan and Fiorini an unreliable. During an interview on 4/28/1964, Buchanan referred to distribution of the monthly bulletin of the ACIB, to financial support of it by the John Birch Society, and said it generally contained a lead article by Frank Fiorini, head of ACIB; (LIST OF REFERENCES)
12 NARA 104-10221-10269 ~ 6/23/1963 CIA Dispatch “Typic/Operational - AMCLATTER/1 Progress Report for May 1963.” To: Chief, Special Affairs Staff. From: Chief of Station, JMWAVE.
NARA 124-10281-10199 ~ 12/2/1963 FBI “No Title.”
13 NARA 104-10074-10043 ~ 12/3/1968 Cable “Activities of General Edwin Walker.” https://www.archives.gov/files/research/jfk/releases/104-10074-10043.pdf
[After his exile, Penabaz] returned to the U.S. in 1960. Station file is sketchy but he apparently was of ops interest to JMWAVE psych warfare section until late 1963 when he dropped because of involvement in U.S. politics. Miami Herald of 24 August 64 reported he had been appointed advisor to Republican National Committee on Cuban Affairs, an AMOT report dated 15 November 1966 stated Penabaz was member of the Christian Anti-Communist Crusade (CACC), a rightist group organized along lines of John Birch Society, and until at least 1965 was on payroll of CACC as Director for Latin American Affairs, according to UFG-7798, 15 December 1965, from a usually reliable source, Penabaz, an associate of General Edwin Walker was arranging a meeting between General Walker and General Elias Wessin y Wessin.
In January 67 [REDACTED] reported that he and another Cuban exile had met with one Raymond Molina, South Florida regional coordinator of the John Birch Society, to discuss support for an operation against Fidel Castro. Molina said he would consider this plan and also a plan for operation against Haiti....the Society might finance those operations ...
Since Penabaz and Molina are U.S. citizens and involved in U.S. politics, station did not query AMOT. Defer to HQs for guidance on how much, if any, of above traces may be discussed with [REDACTED]WISE-7.
>> Lee Harvey Oswald, the alleged assassin of Kennedy, had purportedly been involved in provocative act that was used as proof by the Warren Commission that Oswald was anti-conservative and an unpatriotic leftist capable of shooting at authority figures. Oswald was accused of firing a shot into the home of General Edwin Walker in March of 1963. Walker was so conservative he had been forced to resign from the Army in November 1961 for promoting racism in the military and for distributing John Birch Society literature. Coincidentally, Lyman Lemnitzer (who later served on the Rockefeller Commission that would look into the Kennedy assassination) in early 1962 had been called before the Senate to provide insight into the censorship of Walker. Walker took advantage of his new civilian status to run in the spring of 1962 for Texas Governor but was defeated by John Connolly who the following year was wounded while riding in the limousine the day President Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas.
14 Mason Gaffney, “Benefits of Military Spending, An Inquiry into the Doctrine that National Defense is a Public Good.” presented at 10th Annual Conference, Committee on Taxation, Resources and Economic Development, Madison, October 25, 1971. (Lowell Harriss, Chairman and Editor of Proceedings.) Updated to March 29, 1972, page 10.
U.S. nationals do benefit from military spending... Protection of existing property is the most obvious part of this benefit...examples are the CIA overthrow of Jacobo Arbenz Guzman in Guatemala, 1954, with the return of confiscated lands to United Fruit; landing Marines in Lebanon, in coordination with British paratroopers in Jordan, in 1958 to assure that the revolutionary government in "Iraq respects Western oil interests; the Bay of Pigs episode of 1961; the Santo Domingo landing of 1965 to keep Bosch from power and protect the privileges which Trujillo had granted to influential Wm. Pawley; the Congo intervention of 1964; and the CIA overthrow of Mossadegh in Iran in 1954 to denationalize oil...”
15 “Why Does U.S. Always Support Dictators in Latin America?” By Drew Pearson. The Post-Standard, May 9, 1965, page 6.
“William D. Pawley, one of the most blatant critics of Kennedy in Cuba, conducted various deals with Trujillo. Henry Holland, assistant secretary of state....” The Salisbury Times, February 26, 1963.
“The Power Game: George Smathers, the Golden Senator from Florida.” By Robert G. Sherrill. The Nation, December 7, 1964.
“‘Alliance for Progress’ Reforms Advocated In Dominican Republic.” Aiken (South Carolina), Standard and Review, December 15, 1961. Page 4.
“On top of that, Ike’s assistant secretary of state, Henry Holland, telephoned Gov. Munoz Marin with whom Kennedy is dining tonight, to tell him to get ex-President Betancourt of Venezuela off the island of Puerto Rico because he was embarrassing the United States.
“Holland, a Texas oil attorney, later resigned from the State Department and went to work for William D. Pawley, a business associate of the late dictator Trujillo who conspired to assassinate Betancourt and missed by only a hair. When I saw President Betancourt in Caracas last February, the skin burned from his hands by that terrible bomb explosion had not yet healed.”
16 “The Washington Merry-Go-Round.” By Drew Pearson. Nevada State Journal, June 5, 1957.
Indiana Evening Gazette, July 21, 1961.
MAIL BAG C. Edwin Kline. Silver Springs. Md. Despite the statement of GOP Senator Scott of Pennsylvania, Adlai Stevenson did not demand that American airplanes be withheld from the Cuban freedom fighters operation over the Bay of Pigs. This story was put out by William Pawley, righthand adviser to the late Dictator Trujillo. Stevenson knew nothing about the Cuban operation.
17 NARA Record Number 124-90076-10086. November 1, 1965. Cable. Subject: Remarks of Gen. Elias Wessin y Wessin Concerning A Tape Recording Prepared for Broadcast in the Dominican Republic and the United States.
On 29 October Pedro Luis Diaz Lanz...his brother Marcos Diaz Lanz were observed at the home of General Wessin while General was absent. Pedro Luis Diaz Lanz was carrying a briefcase and under his arm he held a reel of tape recorder tape.
18 NARA Record Number 124-10226-10276. September 10, 1965. Letter. To: Dr. Hector Garcia Godoy, Provisional President of the Dominican Republic.
On September 17, 1965 Diaz Lanz was again observed in contact with General Wessin, along with Frank Fiorini.
On 29 October Pedro Luis Diaz Lanz ... his brother Marcos Diaz Lanz were observed at the home of General Wessin while General was absent. Pedro Luis Diaz Lanz was carrying a briefcase and under his arm he held a reel of tape recorder tape.
19 NARA 104-10518-10303 ~ 12/27/1963 Dallas FBI “Re: Loran Eugene Hall, also known as Lorenzo; William Houston Seymor”
20 NARA 104-10218-10284 ~ 9/30/1963 Miami FBI Report “Re: Intercontinental Penetration Force Neutrality Matters”
21 NARA 104-10074-10043 ~ 12/3/1968 Cable “Activities of General Edwin Walker.” https://www.archives.gov/files/research/jfk/releases/104-10074-10043.pdf
“The ‘Muzzled’ Military.” Time, February 02, 1962.
The Warren Commission Report. (New York: Barnes & Noble Publishing, 1964). Pages 404-406.
22 Raymond Molina’s 2020 Congressional Campaign website no longer exists. It was raymondmolina4congress.com
23 NARA Record Number 104-10227-10297 ~ “Anti-Fidel Castro Activities compiled by the FBI March 15, 1962.” Page 21 of 25.
24 Howard Hunt, Give Us This Day: The Inside Story of the CIA and the Bay of Pigs Invasion. Pages 26, 182, 184, 188, 191 and 209.
>> On page 188, Everett Howard Hunt states that “Knight hired Lem Jones Associates, a Madison Avenue firm to handle CRC Public Relations. Fletcher M. “Knight was David Atlee Phillips.
>> On page 26, Hunt states “Bender and I called on Knight, the Propaganda Chief, an officer who had worked for me brilliantly ob the Guatemala Project.”
>> Phillips dropped the K when he titled his autobiography The Night Watch: 25 Years of Peculiar Services.
NARA 104-10127-10165 ~ 1/30/1964. “Fletcher M. Knight Appeared Before Warren Commission on 28 January and Received Guidelines on What They Expect from KUBARK.” To: Mexico Station, CIA. From: Director, CIA.
HSCA Report, Volume X, Section: IV. Cuban Revolutionary Council: A Concise History, (Washington: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1979). Page 57.
>> The CRC included Antonio de Varona of Rescate (RDR), the group that included Penabaz.
NARA 104-10406-10103 ~ 5/10/1965 Fitness Report “Hunt, E. Howard.”
>> Report for period from 31 March 1963 – 31 March 1964 states that Hunt works for DDP/DODS/R&P.
Supervises all Division propaganda operations ... Project Officer WUHUSTLER, WUBONBON ... Conducts liaison with USIA, Staffs and Area Divisions as required to coordinate DODs foreign & domestic propaganda operations.
Subject has performed in a manner quite consistent with his long and broad experience in many aspects of the craft of intelligence. His senior grade, his special expertise in the field of propaganda and publication and his very high intellect have contributed to the division’s operations in the public media field, a sharp focus, and economical concentration of money and effort a consequently heightened impact.
NARA 104-10194-10030 ~ 5/16/1963 Fitness Report “David A. Phillips. Report 1 April 1962 – 31 March 1963.”
>> The report states that from April 1962 through March 1963 Phillips is GS-14 KUDOVE DDP WH 3 in Mexico City.
Supervises the KUWOLF program for Mexico City Station. These activities include a broad spectrum and some twenty approved and developmental projects ... Acts as liaison officer with ODACID and QKFLOWAGE on propaganda and political action matters” ... Supports and assists other KUBARK Stations throuh locally implemented operations intended to influence other Station target audiences.
NARA 104-10194-10029 ~ 8/31/1964 Fitness Report “David A. Phillips Report for period June 1963 – 31 March
>> Phillips is GS-15 DDP WHD 1 Mexico City responsible for “Supervision of Station operations aimed at PBRUMEN”... “Direction of a major portion of the Station’s PBRUMEN CA efforts.”
NARA 1993.08.09.17:07:29:370007 ~ “Unsanitized CIA File of William Pawley.” The Mary Ferrell Foundation website. Page 213 of 267.
>> Pawley files from various years. Page 213 appears to be written by Pawley and offers his vision for FRD, the forerunner to the Cuban Revolutionary Council.
25 Mary Ferrell Foundation Cryptonym Project.
26 “Gaeton Fonzi Investigative Report.” House Select Committee on Assassination Report, Volume X. Page 57.
27 NARA 104-10226-10207 ~ 3/6/1963 “Fernando Penabaz-Coburn, Broadcast First of Daily 15 Min ‘Orientacion Agraria.’” To: Director. From: JMWAVE. Subjects: UR Sponsorship.
28 NARA 104-10102-10220 ~ 11/23/1963 Compilation “CIA Operations Against Cuba Prior to the Assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Pages 6, 9, 10 & 14.
>> On page 10 of the compilation, Anonymous Organization Group is described.
During 1960-63, this Group consisted of between 50 to 100 Cuban exiles who constituted a structured intelligence support group for the Station...It is considered the single most valuable operational activity undertaken by the Station. In summary, this Group:
a. Infiltrated exile groupsand reported on their activities.
b. Maintained extensive files on Cuban exiles, exile groups and Cuban government personalities.
c. Monitored Cuban radio broadcasts and summarized content.
d. Produced intelligence reports and special studies.
e. Debriefed refugees.
f. Recruited infiltration agents.
>> On page 14, it describes infiltration and exfiltration operations that started in mid-1962. Pawley is not specifically mentioned, but he used his boat to do this at least twice. The purposes mentioned in the document were:
a. Emplace arms and communications caches for use by agents and resistance groups.
b. Infiltrate agents to recruit agents for espionage purposes.
c. Exfiltrate agents who completed their missions or for further training, or to obtain reporting.
d. Exfiltrate significant political defectors.
e. Commit acts of sabotage.
Each of these operations were approved by the Special Group or its successor, the 303 Committee. They were a major preoccupation of the Miami Station andlarge amounts of money and manpower were devoted to them ...
These operations were supported by a small maritime force which, in 1963, consisted of three mother ships and six smaller vessels. During 1963, 88 operations were planned of which 15 were cancelled.
>> Page 9 reveals that “CIA’s Domestic Contact Division (DCD) had primary responsibility for obtaining positive intelligence information from refugees.” The interviews were conducted in Opa-Locka, Florida.
29 “CIA Lawyers to Face JFK Questions.” By Jefferson Morley. The Washington Independent, February 26, 2008.
Circuit Judge Judith Rogers and two colleagues ordered the CIA to search its operational files for more material on Joannides. They also ordered the agency to explain why 17 reports on Joannides’ secret operations in 1962, 1963 and 1964, are missing from CIA archives. In legal briefs, agency officials have claimed that more than 30 documents about Joannides’s actions in the 1960s and 1970s cannot be made public in any form—for reasons of "national security."
Supervises and manages the station’s covert action branch which employees [REDACTED] staff officers and [REDACTED] contract employees.
Serves as senior case officer for a student project which involves distribution of printed propaganda, production of radio programs, and the development of political action programs.
Maintains liaison with the FI, CI and PM branch chiefs, in order to insure that the Station’s covert action effort is appropriately supporting the missions of the other branches.
Conducts production and security reviews on the Station’s covert action operations.
NARA 104-10304-10000 ~ “Five (5) Fitness Reports on Joannides, George, 1963, 1964 and 1979.” Page 4 of 12.
30 NARA 104-10170-10069 ~ 06/08/64 Dispatch “AMSPELL Progress Report—May 1964.” To: Deputy Chief, WH/SA. From: COS, JMWAVE.
31 “GOP Forum Told That Soviets Have Missiles In Cuban Waters.” The Times Recorder, April 16, 1964.
Former Ambassador to Havana Earl E. T. Smith joined William Pawley, ex-ambassador to Brazil, Sen. Thurston Morton, R-Ky., and Rep. William Cramer, R-Fla., in urging unlimited support of Cuban exiles seeking to oust the Castro regime.
They rapped the Johnson administration's carry-over of the late President Kennedy's restrictions on anti- Castro raids by both exiles and American citizens.
Dr. Fernando Penabaz, a Cuban exile and newspaper columnist (Fort Lauderdale, Fla., News) said the presence of the "deadly Golem II atomic missiles" in Cuba has been reported intermittently since November so-called missile crisis.
But he said the exact location of the installation—in the sea off the northern coastal town of El Freire—was confirmed only recently by "friendly diplomatic sources in Havana, people living in the missile area and underground sources."
Penabaz stated that the missile has “a range of 1,200 nautical miles, is towed in canisters, two or three at a time, and can be launched by a submarine or the Cuba based Russian trawler fleet."
Other panel members included “former Ambassador to Panama Joseph Farlandi; industrialist Luis Ferre, head of the Puerto Rican Statehood Republican party; former U.S. Undersecretary of Commerce Philip Ray; Robert Merriam, ex-While House aide to President Eisenhower, and Leland Hyzer, chairman of the Florida organization committee for the forum.”
32 “Lincoln Gordon, 96.” By T. Rees Shapiro. The Washington Post, December 22, 2009.
“Lincoln Gordon Dies at 96; Educator and Ambassador to Brazil.” By Robert McFadden. The New York Times, December 22, 2009.
>> This obituary noted that there were repeated denials of CIA involvement in the coup.
33 NARA 104-10049-10114 ~ 4/30/1964 Informational Memo “William Douglas Pawley.” To: DDCI. From: Bannerman, R. L., D/OS. Subjects: Pawley, William.
NARA 1993.08.06.09:57:26:030060 ~ 4/30/1964 “Withheldy [sic].” Subjects: Pawley, William. To: DDCI. From: Bannerman, D/OS.
NARA 104-10134-10062 ~ 4/30/1964 “Pawley, William Douglas.” To: DDCI. From: Bannerman, R. L., D/OS. Subjects: Pawley, William.
NARA 104-10138-10389 ~ 4/30/1964 Memo “ Pawley, William Douglas #78 435.” To: DDCI. Subjects: Pawley, William.
NARA 104-10139-10048 ~ 4/30/1964 “Pawley, William Douglas.” To: DDCI. From: Bannerman, R. L., D/Security. Subjects: Pawley, William.
NARA 104-10160-10064 ~ 4/30/1964 “Contact with William Pawley.” To: DDCI. From: [CIA] Director of Security. Subjects: Pawley, William; Dominican Govt.
NARA 104-10049-10421 ~ 4/30/1964 Memorandum “Subject: William Douglas Pawley.” From: Bannerman, R. L., Dir of Sec. To: DDCI.
34 NARA 104-10138-10295 ~ 5/1964 “Covert Security Approval Granted on William Douglas Pawley.” To: C/WH Division. From: [CIA] DD/SEC (Investigations & Op Support). Subjects: Pawley, William.
NARA 104-10138-10295 ~ “Covert Security Approval Granted on William Douglas Pawley.” To: C/WH Division. From: White, Victor R., DD/Security (I&O). Subjects: Sec Approval; Pawley, William.
NARA 104-10049-10189 ~ 5/1/1964 “Request to Permit JMWAVE Station to Use William Pawley as a Special Contact in the Business Community.” To: Chief, WH Division, From: White, Victor R., DD/OS/I&OS. Subjects: Pawley, William.
NARA 104-10049-10115 ~ 5/1/1964 Memo “Re Using William Pawley as a JMWAVE Station Special Contact in Miami.” To: Chief, WH Division. From: White, Victor. Subjects: Pawley, William; JMWAVE Contact.
NARA 104-10139-10050 ~ 5/1964 “Pawley, William Douglas.” To: Chief, WH Division. From: White, Victor R.Subjects: Pawley, William.
2. In accordance with provisions set forth in Clandestine Services Instruction No. 10-5 and Clandestine Services Instruction—Field No. 10-5, a Covert Security Approval is granted for the use of the Subject as described in your request as set forth in paragraph 1, above.
3. Subjects of Covert Security Approvals are not to represent themselves as, nor are they to be represented as, employees of CIA.
4. Your attention is called to the fact that a Covert Security Approval does not constitute complete compliance with the provisions of CIA Regulation 10-3. Therefore, if you should desire at a later date to change the status or use of this individual, a request for approval to cover any proposed change should be submitted to this office.
5. This approval becomes invalid in the event the Subject’s services are not utilized within six months of the date of this memorandum.
35 NARA 124-90033-10126 ~ [No Title]. To: HQ. From: DL. Subjects: John Martino. Raul Castro Baile.
5/22/1964 FBI Memo “Interview of Raul Castro Baile by Special Agents Wallace R. Heitman, Garland, Texas and W. James Wood dictated May 19, 1964.”
[Raul Castro Baile] is an officer in the Dallas unit of this organization, his office being that of Director of Military Affairs ... he attends regular meetings of SNFE which are held almost every other Saturday at the home of a member of the Board of Directors of the Dallas unit of SNFE, one Jorge Salazar, who lives in Hollandale in Dallas. The dues ... are forwarded by the SNFE treasurer, Eden Guiterrez, to the national headquarters of SNFE at Miami ... the recent visit or [sic: of] Antonio Veciana, a national officer of SNFE in Miami, had rekindled the interest among the Dallas members of SNFE ... between 80 and 90 members.
36 “Barry Causes Florida Rift.” Salina Journal, May 31, 1964. Page 2.
The party slate, headed by Tom Fairfield Brown, state GOP chairman, and millionaire William Pawley of Miami, was converted to unpledged under Florida law when Goldwater gave the nod to Cramer's group.
The result was a rift in party loyalty and charges by Brown that Goldwater broke a commitment with the state organization and that Cramer was making a grab for control of the party machinery.
37 “On the Saying that ‘Extremism in Defense of Liberty is No Vice.” By Will Wilkinson. Niskanen Center, January 5, 2016.
38 “Scranton Moves Into The South For Votes.” By Frank Eidge, The Morning Great Bend Daily Tribune, June 25, 1964. Page 1.
1964 Republican National Convention Delegates
At-Large: G. Harold Alexander, Fort Myers - Tom Fairfield Brown, Tampa - Thelma T. Fischer, Largo - May L. Harwood, Daytona Beach - Basil M. LaVergne, Fort Lauderdale - Helene M. Morris, Sarasota - William D. Pawley, Miami Beach - Janet H. Showalter, Vero Beach - William T. Wakeman, Palm Beach - Mary Ellen Young, Fort Lauderdale
>> The New York Times, September 5, 1967 reported that William T. Wakeman, Palm Beach, was shot by his wife, Nancy "Trink" Gardiner, a philanthropist and socialite.
1st District: Tillie Mae Benson, Gulf Breeze - J. Holliday Veal, Pensacola
2nd District: Mrs. B. B. Brockman, Jacksonville - Ernest Butt, Atlantic Beach
3rd District: Ruth K. Magee, Miami - James E. Reardon, Miami
4th District: Clara M. Fouse, Miami - Robert A. Peterson, Miami Beach
5th District: Doris Hostettler, Eustis - Donald E. Smith, Leesburg
6th District: Fred J. Ackel, Fort Lauderdale - Virginia K. Engstrom, Lake Worth
7th District: Isabel P. Michaelson, Bradenton - Richard E. Nelson, Sarasota
8th District: Mrs. J. B. Butterworth, Gainesville - Victor E. Hruska, Ponte Vedra Beach
9th District: A. R. Brautigam, Tallahassee - Dorothy Hunnicutt, Tallahassee
10th District: Rose W. Fernandez, Tampa - Claude D. Logan, Jr., Tampa
11th District: Nina S. Locke, Winter Park - Joel P. Phillips, Jr., Winter Park
12th District: Mrs. F. E. Chaffee, St. Petersburg - Emerson Rupert, St. Petersburg.
39 7/21/1964 CIA Report “Planned Exile March on Washington.” Page 3.
7. Other leaders of the organizing committee include the following persons:
A. Dr. Bertha Ferrer, Lawyer, former member of the executive committee of Unidad Revolucionaria in Miami.
B. Alfredo Gonzalez Duran, President of the Association of Veterans of the Bay of Pigs (AVBC)
C. John R. Martino, United States citizen who was active in the Batista White Rose organization.
D. Tomas Matos, member of the executive committee of the Federacion Estudiantil Universitario (FEU, Federation of University Students, a small inactive exil group in Miami).
40 NARA 124-10300-10074 ~ 02/29/60 FBI Report. To: Director, FBI. From: Dwyer, Robert James. Subjects: NRO, Assoc, Anti-Castro, Pro-Castro, Groups, Leaders, ACA, Mil Act. Pages, 7, 14-15.
>> Among White Rose members were Felipe Rivero, Colonel Sanchez Mosquera, and Colonel Merob-Sosa.
41 “Movies Affect Indian Culture, Says Visitor.” By Charles Lamb, Tri-City Herald (Washington state), August 11, 1964. Page 12.
42 8/1964 Informational Data “Pawley, William.” To: [None]. From: [None]. Subjects: Pawley, William; Doolittle Cmte.
NARA 104-10122-10024 ~ [Undated] Handwritten Note “Re Pawley’s Allegation Against Former Agency COS at Dominican Republic.” Subjects: Pawley; Dominican Repub; Allegations.
NARA 1993.08.09.17:31:20:530007 ~ [Undated] Cross Ref to an FBI Report “Re Boutacoff, Alexis Alexander.” Subjects: Pawley, Edward; Boutacoff, Ale.
[Undated] “Discussions with William Pawley.” Subjects: Pawley, William. Pages 4 & 5.
NARA 104-10160-10136 ~ 8/30/1964 Memo “Re William Douglas Pawley as Special Contact for Miami Station.” To: Deputy Director of CIA. From: R.L. Bannerman, Director of Securit. Subjects: Pawley, WM.
43 NARA 104-10312-10174 ~ 9/11/1964 Memorandum for the Record “Subject: Discussions with QDDALE.” From: Andrew K. Reuteman, Chief of Station, JMWAVE.
1. On 6 September 1964 QDDALE contacted Reuteman by telephone in order to brief Reuteman on the following topics:
a. Readers Digest. QDDALE stated that he had not heard from the Readers Digest relative to the KUBARK-inspired article on The Invisible Government which QDDALE forwarded to Readers Digest. Reuteman asked QDDALE to send Readers Digest a follow-up tickler. QDDALE agreed to carry out this action and stated that he would keep Reuteman informed of any further developments.
b. Operation TILT. QDDALE stated that he had recently been contacted by Polo Meranda, who is a friend of AMRUM-1’s and was the former Interventor of the Havana Bus Company. Meranda brought one Roberto Pujol Fernandez, who is employed in the legal department of Bacardi International, to QDDALE’s office. In the course of the discussion which followed, Meranda asked if QDDALE knew anything about the individuals who participated in Operation TILT. QDDALE admits that he made an indiscretion in the discussion with Meranda by stating that he knew one or two of the participants in Operation TILT and had contributed funds toward the implementation of Operation TILT. Once QDDALE made this admission, Meranda stated that Pujol was the uncle of one of the wives of the men who had departed on Operation TILT but had never returned. Pujol then took the lead in the conversation and asked if QDDALE had fronted for this operation for KUBARK or some other ODYOKE entity. Pujol made it clear that if QDDALE had fronted for such an operation, Pujol was going to advise his niece to ask for material support from ODYOKE or QDDALE because this operation had deprived his niece of the income-earning power of her husband. QDDALE states that he became furious at this juncture and told Meranda and Pujol in no uncertain terms that he had not fronted for KUBARK or any other ODYOKE entity. QDDALE also claimed that he told Pujol that QDDALE was in the habit of contributing funds to various Cubans who were interested in liberating their country. These financial contributions were made to individuals who claimed to be leaders of small groups. QDDALE made the point that when he gave funds to a Cuban leader he in no way assumed any obligation for that Cuban leader’s actions or personnel. QDDALE contends that he also told Pujol that Pujol might better address himself to the problem of contributing to the liberation of Cuba rather than trying to coerce funds out of Americans who were working toward the liberation of Cuba by making financial contributions to Cuban leaders. Allegedly, Pujol and Meranda were chagrined and chastised by QDDALE’s outburst and, once the outburst was over, they quietly excused themselves and left QDDALE’s office. QDDALE stated that he hoped that this was the end of the matter, and in retrospect he regretted that he had indicated to Meranda that he contributed funds to the leader of the Operation TILT team. Reuteman asked QDDALE to keep him informed if there were any further developments on this topic, and at the same time emphasized the point that under any and all circumstances KUBARK’s involvement in Operation TILT could not be exposed. QDDALE indicated that he understood this point explicitly.
c. Bank of Nova Scotia. QDDALE was asked if he had any banking contacts through which we might be able to obtain, on a loan basis, an original of a letter which had been sent to Free World banking institutions by the Cuban National Bank and which identified those individuals in Cuba who were authorized to sign letters of credit and other negotiable paper. QDDALE stated that he did have several contacts, but he thought his most productive contact would be in the Bank of Nova Scotia. QDDALE was asked to make appropriate inquiries with his Bank of Nova Scotia contacts in an attempt to obtain the letter in question. QDDALE was reminded that it was absolutely essential that KUBARK not be identified as the motivating force behind this inquiry. QDDALE agreed to handle this matter in a discreet manner.
d. Upon completion of the paragraph 1 conversation, it was agreed that QDDALE would contact Reuteman by telephone as soon as he had any information of interest.
>> Note: On April 5, 1963, the JMWAVE Station Chief was Theodore Shackley.
NARA 104-10136-10234 ~ 9/11/1964 MFR “Discussion with Pauley [sic].” Subjects: Disc W\Pawley.
44 10/5/1964 Western Union Telegram. To: J. Edgar Hoover, FBI, Washington, DC with distribution to Tolson, DeLoach, Mohr and others. From: William D. Pawley.
I have been distressed over the years at the constant effort to undermine the prestige of the Internal Securities [sic] Committee the Un-America Activities Committee and the more recent efforts to place doubts in the minds of the people regarding you STOP This last effort appears to me to be the lowest type of political chicanery I’m sure you realize the great majority of American citizens greatly respect and admire the efforts of yourself and the Bureau to uphold the law in this country and I deeply resent Herblock’s cartoon. With warm regards for a great American
William D. Pawley
45 10/7/1964 Personal Letter. To: Honorable William D. Pawley, First National Bank Building, Miami, Florida.
Dear Mr. Pawley:
I have received your telegram of October 5th and certainly appreciate your complimentary remarks concerning my administration of the FBI.
It is indeed encouraging to receive messages such as yours at a time when unjust criticism is being leveled at both me and the FBI. Sincerely yours, [STAMP: J. Edgar Hoover]
NOTE: Incoming telegram was sent to the Director from Washington, D.C. and bears no return address. It is believed that this telegram is from Mr. Pawley, the former prominent businessman in Miami and former Ambassador to Brazil and Peru; therefore, letter being directed as such.
46 11/2/1964 Telegram. To: JMWAVE. From: Director.
ODENVY requests declassification pages 1, 8, 10, 11 of ODENVY Miami Report, 20 Dec 63, File No 105- 8342, Subject Lee Harvey Oswald based on WAVE info date 7, 11, 12 Dec 63. Material required for use Warren Commission. Pls cable reply.
WH/SA/MOB (TILTON in draft).
Bruce B. Cheever DC/WH/SA Harold F. Swenson C/WH/SA/CI
47 Pawley, Russia Is Winning. Pages 446 and 447.
48 Betrayal Opened the Door to Russian Missiles in Red Cuba by Luis V. Manrara. (The Truth About Cuba Committee, Inc., Miami, Florida) December, 1967.
49 Will Grant, “CIA Man Recounts Che Guevara’s Death,” BBC News, Miami, October 8, 2007.
50 Luisa Yanez, “Man wins $1 billion judgment against Fidel Castro, Che Guevara,” The Miami Herald, May 29, 2009.
51 “Appointment of twenty-one persons as members of the National Advisory Council on Economic Opportunity.” Gerald R. Ford White House Press Release, March 16, 1976.
>> Dr. Fernando Penabaz succeeds Mrs. Richard Bass, whose term expired.
>> Ford lost his re-election bid to the Democrat, Jimmy Carter, in 1980.
Warren Hinckle & William Turner, Deadly Secrets: The CIA-Mafia War Against Castro and the Assassination of
JFK. (New York: Thunder Mouth Press, 1992) Page 374.
>> This book states that Penabaz wound up in the Atlanta prison for cocaine smuggling. But the time frame appears at odds with Penabaz activities with President Ford which are documented in photos and news articles.
52 Jefferson Morley, “Obama’s Openness v. CIA Secrecy: JFK Files Show Hurdles to Obama's Transparency Goals,” The Washington Independent online, February 5, 2009. http://washingtonindependent.com
Miscellaneous Documents From AARC CIA Collection, Box 113
>> On page 341 of 408, a memo states that in July. 1978, Regis Blahut, a CIA liaison to the House Select Committee on Assassinations (like Joannides) came under scrutiny for mishandling autopsy photos and other materials and was subjected to lie detector tests by the Agency’s Office of Security in which he denied having been ordered to do so by a superior. CIA officer Scott Breckinridge “made a statement ... to Mr. Blakey when I met with him the afternoon of 13 July when Mr. Joannides and I visited the HCSA area.”
>> On page 340 of 408 od the collection documents, Hollis H. Whitaker stated that “James Callahan, Chief of the Domestic Security Branch, oversaw “his employee, Regis Blahut.”
Labels: Buchanan, CIA, Cuba, DRE, Fiorini, General Walker, Goldwater, Joannides, LBJ, Lyndon Johnson, Oswald, Pawley, Penabaz
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