55: Former U.S. Ambassador Manual Rocha Accused of Being Cuban Agent

Phillip Linderman in his December 11, 2023 article "Manuel Rocha: Fanatic, Spy--and My Colleague" on The American Conservative website stated that the FBI's revelation that Rocha was a mole caused him "deep sadness and outrage." He believed Rocha was recruited as "a young idealist in 1973 Chile, influenced both by Allende’s Marxism and Pinochet’s coup against it."
Linderman noted, "Natural gifts in dealing with people serve diplomats well, and they serve spies even better. Like the notorious Hiss, Rocha had attended all the right Ivy League schools and had made extensive connections with everybody in the Washington foreign-policy establishment who worked Latin America. Rocha was clearly a rising Foreign Service star, destined for an ambassadorship which he later got in his Bolivia assignment."
Labels: Argentina, Castro, Chile, Cuba, Cuban mole, Dominican Republic, FBI, Honduras, Italy, Manuel Rocha, Mexico, National Security Council.U.S. Ambassador to Bolivia, spy, U.S.Interests Sectionin Cuba
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